Monday, December 8, 2008

Beware of shysters and taking a break

The Carmelite's Habit staff is taking a short break.

I verbally jerked a knot in somebody's tail this morning and made myself sick in the process. Doesn't matter that I'm in in the right. Anger this intense, emotions of this intensity regardless of the circumstances good or bad, have made me so sick in the past that it's gotten away from me and I've ended up in bed for a week.

Stress is my number one Meniere's trigger and right now, tinnitus in my ears is screaming. I'm nauseated and my chest is hurting. I'm stress-eating Reese's Miniatures.

Beware of shysters.

1 comment:

  1. I'm so sorry - I'm whispering so as to not upset your ears further! Missed you last night and wondered if your head or ears were screaming!
    - Megan


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