Friday, March 19, 2010

Lovely snake in the backyard!

This is the most beautiful day we've had since 2010 started. I felt like if I could get my balance, I had to get outside!

Mom went with me. We were happily digging away. Her secret name is Assiduous Weeder and I make regular healthful weed rescues from her weed bag.

She had the shovel and I had a bucket and one of my canes. We were giggling and digging, I had a nice conversation with a squirrel (squirrels speak English - who knew? XD ). I'd collected gorgeous viola odoratas - sweet violets - and one lone dandelion bloom. Mom had dug up a nice bunch of wild garlic.

She saw a piece of plastic and tried to move it with the shovel so she could pick it up when suddenly she said, "There's a snake! It's a green snake!"

It looks more blue in this pic than it did through my eyes and hers. What a beaut, eh?

We've got all sorts of fauna around here: a raccoon family lives in my neighbor's backyard, salamanders and box turtles appear every now and then, lizards abound. There are more birds in this area than I could possibly count. I heard my lovely wood thrush day before yesterday in the early hours of light.

But nobody has seen a snake in so long, neither Mom nor I could remember.

She said, "Should I kill it?" I hollered, "Don't you DARE!"

So, several pics later, he (or she) pulled his/her head back out of sight, and we moved on to nice big dandelions and musk thistles.

Somebody here on this earth or in the life to come loves us. :)

Copyright 2008-2009 Parin Stormlaughter, Sparkling With Crystals, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. I do not grant reprint permission. Use the ShareThis link if you want to share this. Nothing in the above article is remunerated content. Remember that if my work gets published anywhere else without proper citation, I'll pray for you. And perhaps take legal action. Rest assured, prayer is far more effective.

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